Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9 Years and Counting...................

Saturday, September 11th

Hey Everybody!
Well, today is the 9 year anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and now that I'm in the Army, it bears a new significance in my life. 9 years ago to the day, I was sitting at a computer in my English class working on my Sophomore research paper when the Principal (Mrs. Plunkett) came on the PA and told the school about it. Soon, we were at war and have been now for 9 years. Everyone should know by now how I feel about what we are doing over in Afghanistan and someday, I will be over there to help finish the job. Today, is just a refresher to remind those who have forgotten. I know I'll never forget, but every time I see a video (like today) it fires me up a little and sends chills down my spine. It makes me proud to be an American as well because on that day, everyone in this country was glued to their TV in disbelief/outrage/fear/ horror/shock, and it untied us all. 9/11 brought our nation together like never before and it changed our nation forever. Just never forget and if you need a reminder, just check out youtube. It will bring you back instantly.

In other news......

I completed the 12 mile ruck with no problems! It actually wasn't that bad. I did get a blister on the bottom of my heel, but I can manage if that's the worst. Tomorrow we head out for FTX. We won't get back until Thursday, so if you don't hear from me for a while, don't worry......I just have (0) means of communication. I may also get restarted this next week. Still working on the official word, but on the board with all of our names, my name has "RESTART" written next to it so......yeah.......
If that's the case, my new address will come shortly after my restart. When I'm restarted, I'll make sure I supply all the info you need to get a hold of me.

That's all for now
Embrace The Suck
SPC Martin

PS - Still no orders for my duty station.

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