Monday, September 6, 2010

Update on Matt

Hi everyone!
I was going to write this sooner, but thought I would wait until I had received a letter from Matt. That has not happened, no letters, but we did get to speak to him last night.

First of all - Last weekend we were in GA and did Family weekend with Matt, He was not allowed to leave base because he has been on profile with his stress fractures and had not completed all of his training. He was given a base pass however and we were allowed to spend both Sat. and Sunday with him on base. At first we had thought we would have a hard time finding things to do on base for 2 days, but this was not the case. The base is huge. The airborne school is there, and they just moved the school for tanks there also, a lot to see. We visited the large PX - which is like a Super Walmart or Target with clothes more like Kohls. We tried to find a pair of running shoes for Matt - he learned that he has high arches and needs a cushioned running shoe. Unfortunately the PX did not have his size, we were also able to pick up toiletries for him. An interesting fact - anything bought at the PX - NO SALES TAX. We saw a movie, and had dinner at a nice little Mexican restaurant on base. Matt called his sisters and grandparents while we were with him.
We drove around the base and through the base - the maps they give you are not great, but I figured this was a good way for Matt to work on his navigation skills, and we had time so all in all it worked out great. I had made Mother Mary's famous Oatmeal Chocolate chip cookies - so Saturday when we were riding around Matt ate as many cookies as he wanted and loved it.
Sunday we went back to the PX and then to the National Infantry Museum. Matt's graduation will be held at the Museum - outside - very impressive. We spent a couple of hours going through the museum and ate lunch at a very nice restaurant located in the museum. Matt was able to finally get a steak! It was not as good a steak as Shannon's, but he said it wasn't that bad. We also rained on Sunday - Matt said it hasn't rained like that since he started Basic Training, figures!
We took Matt back to Sand Hill (where his Company is located)at around 5:00. Picked up a couple of his friends and drove them to the base of their barracks. He left us around 5:45 to begin the walk up the hill for recall formation at 1800.

Matt had MRI done on his legs the Friday before we arrived and was suppose to find out on Monday the results. While we were with him, he said his legs felt fine, he had no more swelling and the knees did not hurt.

I did not receive a letter from Matt this week, I had heard from another mother, Jan Hughes, whose son Jon, also had stress fracture. Apparently Jon had said in a letter that Matt was returned to Active Duty. This was confirmed last night when we spoke to Matt. He did not get to see Dr. on Monday of last week, but did finally see the Dr. or PA Tuesday AM. He passed all the tests and was given his RTAD orders. He has been training with his platoon all last week - what is not known is if Matt will graduate on OCT. 1st. He has been trying to find out, but no one has made that decision yet or if they have, they have not shared this information with Matt. He is playing the waiting game. He also has not been given his orders - for where he will be stationed. We are not sure how Matt will get the training in he missed while on Profile - most of the training he missed was marching, hand to hand combat training, and some artillery training. His Drill Sargent's have said all along that he was in a strange place with his legs and no one was sure how it would all work out - I guess they were not kidding. So we shall wait and see - keep the letters coming for Matt. I will let you know what is happening once Matt knows and lets me know. Till then - as Matt would say
Embrace the Suck.

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