Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Finally Some Solid Time to Write

Sunday, August 8 Th

Hey Everybody!

So today is Sunday and as usual (thankfully!) it has been pretty quiet and laid back. We should be getting our phones in about 30 minutes (so Mom & Dad, this letter will repeat a lot of things) which is good because I haven't talked to anyone in a couple weeks since before my stress fractures came into play. I'm sure there are at least a few questions to be asked......

I'll start off by saying that my knees have been holding up pretty well. I'm doing my best to get all the calcium into my body as possible. They have me taking calcium pills which, no offense to you older folk, makes me feel....well.....Old....
Either way, hopefully it helps. This past week made it really difficult to stay off of my feet. Weapons qualification requires a lot of movement throughout the day, and I have to wear extra weight such as my body armor. Technically, I'm not supposed to do any of that. At the same time it helps me not get restarted further back. Double- Edged Sword? Yes. I've heard some conflicting possibilities in the past week, but there is one that I believe more because of who it came from. 99% sure I will be restarted with no Con. leave. How fast I heal will determine when I get restarted. The company appears to be trying to get me the most training in, that they can, which lets me know that they are a least aware of my situation.

With that in mind, as you should know by now, I did shoot expert and received my Expert Badge for my Class A uniform Friday. You should be able to find a picture of it on google (Army Marksmanship Badge Expert). Overall, 17 people shot expert from the entire company, so 8 more shot expert on Friday. The Captain said this number was a little bit below the average, but everyone is qualified.

While everyone else was on the range, me and the 8 others from Thursday stayed back and worked with our supply guy all day. In other words we picked up our Automatic Weapons and Weapon Mounted Grenade Launchers, Night Vision, Laser Sights, and Thermal Sights. Just another day at the office....HAHA!!! Each platoon is given (4) 249 SAW's (Squad Automatic Weapon) and (1) 240-Bravo which weighs about 25 lbs and is like 4 ft. long. Google them as well.......

This week is a focus on our automatic weapons. We are in Blue Phase for as much as I know, but no one has really acknowledged the transition. Blue phase will get us working on squad firing teams and formations. This week is also our first night-time firing exercise and we will stay out in the field for a night. This week it will be interesting to see how much training I will get in or be allowed to take part in, so.....We'll see I guess.

To answer a few questions that some of you had....

- No, naps are not allowed (I wish they were)
- I did not get to throw grenades.....though I should have
- It can get pretty competitive between platoons and somewhat amongst each other
- White phase and OSUT overall have been easier than I anticipated, but then again, Red Phase broke me.....

That's all for now. We have an APFT tomorrow, which I can only do 2/3 of, so I get to watch everyone run 2 miles. Keep sending Cardinal Updates. A 1/2 game behind the Reds is not good! Good to hear that all of you are doing well!

Lyrics to send
Oldies , Country

All Time Low
We the Kings
Boys Like Girls

Take Care and Embrace the Suck!
SPC Martin

PS - Talked for 15 minutes tonight. Good to talk to Mom, Dad, and Mary, but NOT long enough!

Lyrics I (Mom) have sent to Matt:
Put me in Coach
Jeremiah was a bull frog
American Pie
Proud to be an American
Friends in low places by Garth Brooks
Where Were You (When the World stopped Turning
Beer for my horses
Damned I If I Do Ya (Damned IF I Don't) by All Time Low.

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