Monday, June 14, 2010

Final Hours....

Well everyone, this should be my last post until I have completed Basic. It's crazy that this day is finally here. I'm leaving in about a hour to check into the hotel downtown for all the recruits. Hopefully I have a cool roommate for the night like I did last time when I was at MEPS, but we'll see....

With that in mind, I just wanted to take the opportunity to THANK EVERYONE who has reached out to me over the past few months. All of your support and prayers means so much to me. I don't really know if I could put such an intangible blessing into words. It's just there, and know that I love you all for it! So Thank You once again!!

So I showed Mom how to access and post new blog entries while I'm gone. She will be my means of communicating to all you who wish to follow while I'm gone. Within my first 2 weeks there, I should have an address so that you can send me tons and tons of letters!! Everyone says that it's the letters that help them push through. So PLEASE write, and write often. Cardinal updates would be much appreciated. Oz, make sure you throw in how my fantasy team is performing, especially after my epic collapse this past week....but that's neither here nor there....Just write about anything you think is interesting/funny/in the news/etc.

I will miss you all greatly, but there are reasons as to why I chose to do what I'm doing. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers while I'm gone and soon enough I'll see you all again.

Love you all,



  1. First update...

    Waino traded to Oz for 14th round pick

  2. Looking forward to your mom's posts on here... Good luck Matt, and be safe!

    -Sarah B.
