Friday, June 25, 2010

Tuesday, June 22nd -

Hello Everybody!!!
So we're getting close to finally getting out of reception and actually start training!!! I finally got my boots and it only took 4 times before I finally received the 3 pairs they hand out. We get 2 pairs for warm weather, and 1 cold weather pair. Today we also received our Dob Tags and wait for it ............
my glasses!!! If there was a way to describe these things it would be EPIC! I am now a cross between Erkle and Revenge of the Nerds. Seriously, these are the goofiest looking things. Hand me a pocket protector and I'll go teach middle school science, because these glasses qualify me for that position on principal alone.

I'm very excited to head down range and so is everyone else in the company. We're just bored now and want to get things started. The first 3 weeks are going to be hell, especially considering that the DS's will separate all the platoons we're in now and put us together with new people, So I won't be training with a lot of the people that I got to know over this past week. Not knowing who you're going to be with is frustrating because you just spent the last week learning people's strengths and weaknesses, who you can and cannot count on, and who are the one's most likely to get you into trouble. Now we'll have to do that again, and this time DS's will be on our ass for every mistake, running us into the ground. But for as crazy as it may sound, I can't wait for it because it will end the monotony of reception and I'll be that much closer towards graduation!

That's it for now, I don't think -----wait--- 1 more thing. DS's love to have fun with last names and our company is no different. We have some great last names. For example, Early, Yess, Stiffler, Sergent, Gno (pronounced "NO"). If I'm right, I think Stiffler's name is Ryan Stiffler in American Pie, and so is this kid. Anyway, I think you can imagine how the DS utilizes guys whoses last names are pronounced "Yes" and "No"
Until Next Time,
SPC Martin

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